The group returned from Corinth last night weary, but excited about having physically seen and experienced sites that are steeped in NT history. There were many pictures taken, and many stories shared, but time and logistics will not permit me to post them all at this time.
After a 7 am breakfast, the volunteers and all suitcases carrying LM Auction items, and VBS supplies were bused back to Eretria Village, where we are anticipating a busy day of organizational meetings, unpacking, sorting, and prepping our VBS rooms.
The families begin official check ins this evening. Already last night, the dining hall was beginning to fill with families, weary from their travels but evidently excited, and looking forward to a time of fellowship, rest and refreshment. The spirit of anticipation and excitement was palpable, and there were some joyful reunions among members of our team, and some of their family who are serving over here.
Despite minor "bumps" in the road and some plumbing/sewage issues in our hotel, we are psyched and really looking forward to ministering and serving these precious people who have sacrificed so much in service for Father.
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